Consumers of illusion

gavel image sourced from

I’ve been sued. The case would be addressed in court today and justice will be served. By the time you read this, I may be in prison but let’s all be optimistic. Social media (SM) filed a case against me and my offence is defamation and false accusation. I called social media a thief. How can social media, filled with so many opportunities be a thief? You might be wondering. I’ve learnt so much across its various platforms, it has made me laugh on several occasions. I’ve met nice people on it. All the attributes seem cool and likeable but I’ve come to realise it’s all an ILLUSION.
Court session
How can you make such a defamatory statement against social media without evidence to back up your story? Asked the judge. Bring you case forward and the guilty party will be brought to justice. This is where my story begins.
My defence
Social media is the biggest thief I said. It stole my time. The most valuable possession I’ll never get back. Apple rolled out a new feature on their phones a couple of months back called screen time. Screen time shows you the amount of time you spend on different apps on your phone. My different social media platforms are the most used.

this is an image from last week
this is an image from my cousin’s phone (last week’s analysis)

I’m disappointed and worried about the amount of time I spend on social media. It has gotten to a point that I’m too scared to check the daily analysis on screen time, because it will reaffirm my fear and highlight the fact that I’ve wasted yet another day. I’ve invested so much time watching other people develop themselves or should I say ” the fake developed versions of themselves”. Nobody shows their real struggles, tears, and behind the scenes on social media. We are all consumers of illusion, so why am I wasting my life over it?
Social media’s defence
I’m the victim here, says SM. I don’t have the power to control what people do with their time, I’m only a vessel to disseminate information. It’s up to the users to control their lives and manage their time properly. I’m here to clear my name and demand an apology.
Judge’s decision
Defamation wouldn’t be tolerated. Therefore you are expected to retract your words against social media and issue an apology publicly to social media.
I sympathise with you for being so careless with your time and priorities. However, social media is  blameless. The problem is, you are addicted to your phone and need to keep busy with productive things. My verdict is your phone is an enabler, social media is the victim and you are the abuser. You are pardoned but you should consider attacking your addiction before it wrecks you further.
After thoughts
You can exhale now, this is a made up court in my head.
who else feels social media is a thief? if you compare my screenshot to my cousin’s screenshot, we can all admit I’m in trouble. How can I cure my addiction? Is anybody also addicted without realising? most importantly, do we agree that social media is filled with illusion?
I’ll like to hear from you.
Thank you for reading, see you next week!
Maybe one day, I’ll tell my addiction story.

9 responses to “Consumers of illusion”

  1. Very interesting read, we can look at it in many ways. Whatever you look to give your time to you have to get something out of it. Start a business, read more things that add to your life or take advantage of social media and build a platform for yourself.


    1. Nice insight. Will definitely take on your advice. Thanks ☺️



    Well done Ronke
    Good read



    Well done Ronke
    Good read with a good message.


  4. Great read. Totally agree. Social media can be the thief of time if you allow it. Start a business and make money from social media whilst still enjoying every thing else social media has to offer. Gooduck.


    1. Thanks, I like your perspective on the topic.


  5. Very nice 👍🏽
    …well done


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